Our Partners ABN AMRO Clearing Bank, Nyca Partners, and Belvedere Strategic Capital

NEW YORK – RQD* Clearing (“RQD”) has successfully rolled out the ability to trade fractional shares. This allows our clients to offer fractional shares (as a fraction or notional amount) in all equity securities listed on US Markets, which is approximately 6,000 symbols (except for restricted names/pink sheet symbols). This addition to our product list underscores our commitment to bringing popular products onto RQD’s cutting-edge, cloud-based clearing platform.

While fractional shares themselves are not new, RQD’s modern back-office system provides one very important advantage – price. As the Chief Revenue Officer, Michael Lanyon of RQD points out, “Legacy clearing firms charge high transactional fees per fractional trade simply because they get charged per trade by their clearing technology vendor. By owning our clearing platform, we can create sustainable fee schedules enabling better margins for the broker dealers, foreign financial institutions, and registered investment advisers that are democratizing investing.”

For more information, please reach out to [email protected].

Victoria Kwiatkowski
RQD Clearing, LLC
[email protected]